
  • There is a fascinating emerging body of knowledge in the field of adult development.
  • Notably, the insights around cognitive development are not fully accessible yet.
  • How would our world look if we applied these evolving insights to the fields of businesses, education, politics etc?
  • CAD, the Center of Applied of Dialectics, opens up a platform for practitioners in the field of adult development, integrating research into their practice, exchanging findings and thereby nourishing each other, empowering others to do likewise.
  • Our mission is to grow the understanding of dialectical thinking, not as something that is abstract and of use only to high-minded philosophers, but as a practical tool for all adults to apply in thinking about the complex problems that surround us in today’s world. 

 Latest Salon

  • 6th February 7pm CET:   Jeff Shraeder: Getting to Job 2: Applying CDF in Organizations 

Drawing on his experience working with businesses, Jeff explored the question: "Who has time for what kind of dialectical analyses, when and why?”In this Salon, Jeff discussed when and how CDF practitioners should introduce CDF and other adult development theory to an organisation, and how should these ideas be combined with other theories such as Jaques’ Requisite Organisation (RO) and Eli Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC). What assumptions do we as CDF practitioners make when we work with clients? Jeff described what he has learned and how he has adapted his thinking and developed his approach to measuring and working with the hidden dimensions of an organisation in his consultancy practice, concluding with some recommendations. 

Jeff is a consultant to senior management within larger firms in the US. His experience spans technology, software, sales, marketing, management, public and private sector work, corporate board experience, and teaching. Originally working with Bell Telephone Labs and IBM in electronics, logic circuits and computers, he switched his focus from solving technical problems to consultancy based on developing the thinking processes of his customers and understanding the importance of people. A seminal moment came when he read Robert Kegan’s book “In Over Our Heads” and he followed up by studying under Otto Laske.  Since then, his challenge and core interest has been to use the ideas of several deep thinkers in a way that makes sense to managers and leaders facing complicated, complex, and stressful situations.

Together, we addressed the question of how to introduce such ideas to the right people at the right time in the right way with a language that is accessible to business leaders. 

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The current expert practitioners holding the platform:


Some of the people at least loosely connected with CAD and their resources (in progress):


CAD - Otto Laske / 

The setup of CAD is financially supported by the EU, as it is part of the CADRA project - Cognitive Adult Development, from Research to Application - see