
  • There is a fascinating emerging body of knowledge in the field of adult development.
  • Notably, the insights around cognitive development are not fully accessible yet.
  • How would our world look if we applied these evolving insights to the fields of businesses, education, politics etc?
  • CAD, the Center of Applied of Dialectics, opens up a platform for practitioners in the field of adult development, integrating research into their practice, exchanging findings and thereby nourishing each other, empowering others to do likewise.


Upcoming Salons -  The next dates: 

  • 9th Oct 7pm CET: Otto Laske with Ursula Clidiere:  Constructive Development Framework - Its Application in the Helping Professions.
    The Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF), developed by Otto Laske, has been shown to restructure and refine many professional practices, especially those of the helping professions which involve a dialogue-based relationship and consultation (educators, therapists, coaches, supervisors, mediators, consultants, etc.). The premise is that of a mutual nature in which the practitioner works with and not for the client, and secondly, the engagement with a client's and one's own internal dialogue. Otto Laske's CDF is one of the very few if not the only adult development framework that focuses on not only one developmental (“vertical”) line, but recognizes the intricate relationship between several, namely social-emotional maturity (meaning making), cognitive development (sense making) and a person's unique psychological profile. This means that CDF recognizes that people construct their world, both social-emotionally and cognitively, and behave accordingly. Or, in other words, people are embodying the following three central, human questions which Otto crystallized in his work as: 
    • Social Emotional ED = “What should I do, and for whom?”
    • Cognitive CD = “What can I do, and what are my options?”
    • Psychological NP [Need/Press questionnaire] = “How am I doing?” 
    The session will illuminate how the CDF framework can be used by practitioners - and this, at different levels of familiarity and mastery of the CDF Framework- while also sign posting the ethical aspects, limits and consequences if used out of context or without necessary competence. We are inviting you to a session in which we will have
    (a) the 'three houses' as a mental template for development work
    (b) a brief 'fly over' of the CDF landscape with an overview of the three underlying central themes of ED, CD, and NP, and
    (c) Q&A.
    We will also use this session to mention and celebrate recent (re)publications of Otto as we go through the materials which may offer additional pointers. We welcome inquiries in advance of the session allowing us to highlight or emphasize aspects of particular interest. 

The zoom link for all salons: 

Use this link to integrate the CAD calendar into your google calendar - no more misunderstanding about time zones :-)


Past Salons:

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Our youtube-channel:

The current expert practitioners holding the platform:


Some of the people at least loosely connected with CAD and their resources (in progress):


CAD - Otto Laske / 

The setup of CAD is financially supported by the EU, as it is part of the CADRA project - Cognitive Adult Development, from Research to Application - see